Start your company registration process. Use this form to create a new Medcurity account for your organization. If you need an individual user account under an existing company, please contact your administrator.


To register your organization for the Medcurity platform, please complete the attached form. All purchased assessments will be owned by the organization for which details are provided. The Primary Point of Contact will serve as the initial account administrator and will be able to add additional users later in the process.

For assistance with first time registration please feel free to contact us.

*If you are a new user attempting to set up an account at an existing organization, please contact your account administrator.


Security Risk Analysis w/Policies
Employees Annually
1-20 $1,800
21-50 $2,700
51-100 $3,600
101-250 $4,800
251-500 $6,600
500+ Please Contact Medcurity for Pricing
Employees Annually
1-20 $300
21-50 $450
51-100 $600
101-250 $900
251-500 $1,500
500+ Please Contact Medcurity for Pricing
HIPAA Training
Employees Annually
1-20 $450
21-50 $900
51-100 $1,200
101-250 $2,500
251-500 $4,000
500+ Please Contact Medcurity for Pricing

HIPAA Compliance Officer Training - $145/user Annually

*All training subscriptions are purchased separately. Cost reflects the price of General Employee HIPAA training and BAA training if purchased separately.
SAFER EHR Self-Assessment
Employees Cost
All FTE tiers FREE
Please fill out the information below to continue

Organization Information:

For organizations above 500 employees please contact Medcurity support.

Primary Point of Contact:

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required